Pleiadian Melchizedek High Priestess Ellen Redd on M.L.'s Truth-Truther Show | NOTE: Although Spiritual Beyond Religion, Given Upbringing (That Pretty Much Almost Never Goes Away) This Interview DOES Have a Mormon Slant/Skew/Perspective.
“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, and You Have, But the Outcome is Yours. | Gregg Braden
Spiritual Principles, Not Christian. — They Still Fucked it Up Anyway! (The Illuminati-Infiltrated Faction of the Freemasons) | Jean Noland of "Inspired".
The TRAP in the Self-Improvement Journey?? The Direct Path Vs. The Indirect Path: 2 Spiritual Methods Explained! — Aaron Abke | WE in 5D: Goes Well with the Opening Monologue of My Recent Full Moon in Leo 1/25/24 Collective Reading.
"Get Rid of the Ego"—BOLLIX! The Myth That Your 'Rough' & Unique Personality isn't Compatible with 5D, The Perversion of Unconditional Love in Spiritual Cults, The Future of Our Hologram, and Unseen Realms! | Darius J Wright
The IMPORTANCE OF BORDERS + Naive Spiritual People Who are Prematurely "Acting 5D" w/out Right of Passage and Believe in No Borders, New Earth and the Day (a DIFFERENT Era) in Which We Don't Need Borders, and Today's Border PsyOp!
The Washington D.C. "Miracle" of 1993 — And a Way to Participate in This Spiritual Warfare While Others Must Take ANOTHER Role/Path! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.