4 months agoMenschenleben retten | Interview mit Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Josef Hingerl und Jürgen Müllerpolitikspezial
3 years agoPublic is Being "Led to Their Downfall" With False Coronavirus Narrative — Sucharit Bhakdi MDSARS-CoV-2 — Exploring Behind Singular Media Narrative
3 months agoProf. Sucharit Bhakdi „Ich wusste, dass diese Impfung lebensgefährlich ist“GreatResistanceTVVerified
1 year ago2nd Corona Symposion at the German Bundestag 11. - 12.11.2023 (Lecture by Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi)MitteldeutschlandTV
10 months agoThe RSB Show 1-16-24 - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Corona, False Alarm? Antony Sammeroff, Murray Sabrin, The Economics of Healthcare and WellnessRSBellMedia
2 years agoProf Dr SUCHARIT BHAKDI: mRNA Injections and How They Kill. The Groups Exempted From the Jab Astound Youteddolbi
3 years ago6 of 10 Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, No cases have ever been documented of asymptomatic spread of Covid_19DuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
2 years agoPROOF Ending the Sars-CoV-2 -Variant- Narrative - Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D.USAFrontlineDoctors
3 years ago2021 JUL 09 Proof that puts an end to the SARS-COV-2 narrative Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.DFour Corner Ministries News through a Christian Filter
3 years ago3 of 10 Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Human Experiments, mRNA, you are putting a virus gene into your bodyDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
1 month ago'I have absolute faith that mRNA vaccines will kill you,' says Sucharit Bhakdi, MDConcerned for Truth
1 year ago“怪醫黑傑克的手術刀,揭露29:“牠們害怕讓你知道的秘密”_這是兩年前Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi教授奮力公開疾呼全球大眾,警告若全世界持續多針接種新冠實驗針劑,將出現無法言喻的“疫苗災難”mcy1227
2 years agoSucharit Bhakdi und Ronald Weikl: Gute NachrichtenJust News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
2 years agoProf Sucharit Bhakdi findet klare Worte „Die Welt steht vor dem Untergang“ - 23.06.2022KlausHaberstein
3 years ago1 of 10 Dr Sucharit Bhakdi Says The PCR Test Should Be Trashed, World Wide ImmediatelyDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel