6 days ago022425 Yeshua paused the clock. 360! The deed is among them, and he pinpointed My disputeChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year agoCan't-Miss Play: Prescott teardrops 38-yard dime in Gallup's bucket with pinpoint accuracyThe Big Leagues
2 years agoWho gave Ukraine this weapon?The weapon, called the Stugna-P, has pinpoint accuracy and can penetrate amour up to 800mm thickRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
2 years agoHakeem Jeffries Defies Kevin McCarthy, Reappoints Schiff and Swalwell to Intel CommitteeRestored RepublicVerified
9 months agoAmid a pinpoint raid that has been taking place in the Sabra neighbourhood ofWar-in-IsraelVerified
1 year agoCurtis Yarvin Pinpoints the Problems With Our Government and How to Fix ThemThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
3 months agoTough words from this Obama appointed Director of immigration now reappointed by Trump..chinlee
1 month agoMiss Drop 44 #50- Soldier of Fortune Raincoat 'unboxing' ... re-enacting the smelly way!MissDrop44