1 year agoPsalm 139: 13-18 of 24 "For you, O LORD, created me; you wove me on your loom." Tune: Bays of HarrisTrystWithChrist
2 years agoBiotech: The Sorcerer's New Apprentice - Session 1 - Chuck MisslerPrepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoChuck Missler - fallen angels dna coming back in the end times (Mt 24:38-39)Prepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoChuck Missler - Purpose of the Tribulation is to get Israel to accept Jesus their Messiah Mt23-37-39Prepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoKabbalah - Jewish Mysticism - Session 1 - Chuck Missler (synogogue of satan Rev 3:9)Prepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoThe New Jerusalem - Jesus Christ's 1000 Year Reign - The Great White Throne JudgmentPrepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoCOV-Idiot vs GOV-Idiot - The People have been LIED too - EU MEPs Christine Andersen!Rogersings
2 years agoChuck Missler - explains nephilim (supermen) exist still today (Gen 6, Jude 6, 7)Prepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoKabbalah and Jewish Mysticism - Session 2 - Chuck Missler (synagogue of satan Rev 3:9)Prepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agobeating the devil, we never run from the devil, we never hide from the devil (I Jn 3:8)For The Tribulation Saints
2 years agopracticing sacrifices in the way of Levitical priests, preparing for the dayPrepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoMan of Sin (dead) - ALIVE in Christ [Black Saturday-Soundgarden] (Col 3:10, Rom 6:1-6)For The Tribulation Saints