3 years ago1 Corinthians 1:18 Peace, Pardon and Power by The CrossPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
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3 years agoLuke 2:10 - Fear Not: The Real Christmas MessageFaith Handles by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoNehemiah 9:26-31 Why on Earth Does God Forgive? - Nehemiah #25Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
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3 years agoMark 8, Mark 14, John 21 - What Christ Does With FailuresPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
2 months agoThe Same Power that Raised Christ from the Dead Shall…Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
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3 years ago"Strive To Enter In At The Strait Gate" (Hard Way or Easy Way)Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified