Revitalizing Our Food, Farms, and Soil: Farmers Speak! (8/3/23) | With Respect to President Trump it's RFK Jr. That Owns These Topics Which Trump Seems to Miss.
How Atlanteans Treated/Approached Birth and Death, Learning How Bad OR Good People Could Ascend OR Descend (What Does That Depend on?), How Exactly We Choose Our Parents, Past Lives/Reincarnation Explained Precisely, and More—All Explained From MEMORY!
THE MOST UNLIKELY INTERVIEWS: Russell Brand Vs. Candace Owens (9/13/23) | WEin5D: His Center-Left Matches My Center-Right MORE Than Her Establishment-Right. She + I = PERSONALITY-CLASH; Tho I See Our Like-Traits. He’s BRILLIANT at Keeping Her Bearable.
The ‘Ray of Light’ Experience: Pilgrimaging Back to Innocence, Back to Love.. Back to Lemuria. ‘So That We Can Begin Again.. Wash Away All Our Sins’! Reconciling 3D and Moving on. THAT SAID—3D or 5D.. Earth is Just a Stage! “Swim” by Madonna
When Time and Space First Began, What Our Connection to it is, Dimensions 1-9, The Trinity, and Your Purpose Vs. the Purpose of Beings in Other Dimensions. | Matías DeStefano
What is the Highest Income Tax Any American Should Have to Pay?—If We Held Legitimate Elections and Lived in Integrity Reflecting 5D This Would Have Been Your Ego-Checked President, But We're Not Done w/ Our Own Ego So the Best Reflection is Trump!