TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK…KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration & GIVE TO LAKE! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT!
ON DEMAND! From- Aug.20,'24: The US Dept. of Defense Outlines Severe Military Threats Posed by China's invading our hemisphere. With special report by Peter Schweizer.
FBI Arrests Florida Man for Allegedly Plotting to Target Pro-Israel Group AIPAC/Hamas Defies Hostage Release Demands: Trump Issues Stern Warning/South Korean Study Links COVID-19 Vaccines to 141% Surge in ‘Debilitating’ Neurological Disorder/Mary Trum