Maricopa County Admits Breaking The Law For Mail-In Ballot Signature Verifications & Kari Lake Will Be An America Hero If She Files An Appeal Today With The Arizona Supreme Court! Nov 8 Election Can Be SET ASIDE (Null & Void)
Euthanasia and the Failure of Canada’s Health Care System:/Kari Lake Announces She Will Not be Running for Office Again/ Passenger Plane Carrying 181 People Crashes, Explodes Into Fireball in South Korea /Bill Gates Stripped of ‘Immunity and Special P
Kari Lake while NBC asking irrelevant questions & constantly arguing: Can we talk about the issues people care of? NBC: We'll talk about that later. Lake: Let's do it now. People don't care about what you're talking about.
TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK…KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration & GIVE TO LAKE! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT!