8 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan fake news CNN Airs BLATANT Oct 7 debbie wasserman schultz LIESlevtcs
7 months agoamber rose "fake news media lied to us for a long time" at republican national convention 7-16-24levtcs
4 months agoINSTANT REGRET JD Vance Flips Script on Rabid dem fake news CNN Jake Tapper into On-Air PANIC ATTACKlevtcs
3 months agodemocrat Oprah LASHES OUT EXPOSED PAID $1 Million For democrat Kamala Endorsement with Fake Townhalllevtcs
3 months agodeep state bureaucrat liberal silicon valley tyrant democrat cult klan fake news censorship cartellevtcs
3 months agodemocrat fake news Joe Scarborough Mika Brezinski Bent Knee To Trump Try To Save Their Own Careers😂levtcs
3 months agoMike Johnson STONEWALLS democrat fake news CNN's Jake Tapper: FULL STEAM AHEAD on Trump's Nominees!levtcs
4 months agodemocrat cult fake news MSNBC COPES SEETHES On Pres TRUMP COOKING McDo Fries TROLLIN democrat Kamalalevtcs
3 months agodemocrat cult HATE Trump Supporters- Bill O’Reilly TORCHES fake news MSNBC LOSe ratings To Hallmarklevtcs
3 months ago“A Paid Spy In The canadian liberal fake news Media Called Me A Russian Agent!” – Dimitri Lascarislevtcs
1 year agofake news Media Finally Admits TRUTH about Ukraine losing! zelensky promoting climate change hoaxlevtcs
8 months agoByron Donalds COUNTER-ATTACK vs VICIOUS lying satanic Democrat cult fake news SMEAR That He's RACISTlevtcs
6 months ago"Cold Hearted B*tch" Megyn Kelly’s BRUTAL Career Advice for democrat fake news CNN’s Kaitlan Collinslevtcs
4 months agoReporter SHOCK democrat fake news CNN Panel W Truth About Election no one likes democrat cult kamalalevtcs
5 months agoAna Kasparian Went Scorched Earth On All Of liberal satanic democrat cult klan fake newslevtcs
4 months agolib democrat cult fake news MSNBC BOLD Footage Edit Pres Trump MSG New York Rally Compared To Hitlerlevtcs
4 months agoOCTOBER CONSPIRACY: Explaining lib democrat cult fake news Coordinated Hail Mary To End Pres Trumplevtcs
4 months agolib democrat cult klan fake news cbs face the nation margaret brennen edited mike johnson interviewlevtcs
7 months agoGreen Beret sniper "Don't Listen To fake news Media!" Pres Trump Butler PA rally assassination attemlevtcs
6 months agochicago store owners knew only fake news reports liberal democrat cult klan loving peaceful protestlevtcs
1 year agoIt’s All FAKE. Taylor Swift EXPOSED as a FED OP To RIG 2024 Election for Biden | Pentagon ADMITS Itlevtcs
8 months agoliberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan fake news lying in your face defending zombie joe bidenlevtcs
4 months agoNever Trumper CALLS OUT Lib democrat fake news Outrage On Trump DEMANDING Liz Cheney Execution HOAXlevtcs