Revelation 16 | Revelation 16 States the Following? When Euphrates River Dries Up, the False Prophet Shows Up, China & Russia Team Up & Nations to Show Up to Attack Israel & the Beast Technology Will Show Up? + CBDCs 101
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I Did Love the 2-Day 16 Hour Business Seminar. 16 Hours Moves Quick! Clay Clark Is a Master Presenter. It's Part Business Seminar, Part Stand-Up Comedy. Good Takeaways Every Session."
Lucifer | Why Did God Create Lucifer? Why Did God Not Destroy Lucifer? How Did Lucifer Become Satan & Deceive the Whole Earth? Disease X & What Does the Bible Say Will Happen Next? (Rev 16:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-14, Rev 20:10 & Isaiah 14:12-15)