Queen Mother Of Darkness, 5 MoDs Run the Entire System, Meet Satan Every Night, Instruct the Satanic Council + Quadrants, Grand High Priests & Priestesses, High Priests & Priestesses, Assets, Hierarchy & Expendable Kids, Chosen, Money is Made
The Anti-Christ, Israel didn't Accept Jesus as their Messiah + Coming Deception, The Anti-Christ will be Presented as Christ + The Temple, The A-C Has Already Been Given Power & Authority in the System + One World Religion, Government & Money
Robert Kiyosaki | Acta Non Verba (Acts, Not Words) | "Watch What A Person Does, Not What They Say." - Kiyosaki + Why Is Money Is A Magnifier Whether You Are An Accountant, A Dog Trainer Or A Home Builder + Clay Clark Client Growth Success Storie