Gloria Vanderbilt was a Grand High Priestess in the Luciferian Brotherhood, Anderson Cooper's Mother + Quadrants, Mothers Of Darkness, The Satanic Council + Tarot Cards, 7 Identical Readings, Laurie Cabot Kent Drew the Short Straw
Christmas, Easter & Halloween, The Ancient Celts, Light to Dark + Big Fires, Wearing Masks so that Demonic Spirits Would Not Recognize Them + Human Sacrifices
Samhain, A Pope Declared November 1st (the Day After Halloween) All Saints Day, When the Veil is Thinnest + Trick or Treat, People Generally Just Want Fun, They Don't Have Malicious Intent
Jessie and Her Training Partner Hid in a Wardrobe, Saw a Child Taken into a Room and Being Forced to Participate in Sex Magick + Pentagrams, Military Bases and Hangars are Used
Madonna Was a High Priestess Under Gloria Vanderbilt, She Tried to Run and Get Out, The Song Like a Prayer (and others) Came Out of That + GV Had Made a Box Depicting Madonna Self-Mutilating and Attempting Suicide + Madonna (The Real One) is Still in
Great Lakes, Underground Railroad and Tunnels + Hunter Biden has a Back Tattoo of Finger Lakes + He's a Hierarchy Kid, Rebellion isn't Unusual, Commit First Predatory Act @ 12, Evidence on Laptop That it Continued, Including with Obama Girls
Trick or Treat, Treats Represent the Delicacies of Satan's Kingdom, It Goes Back to Daniel the Prophet and Ancient Babylon + The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
Sex with Demons, Satan's Different Physical Forms, The Alluring Form at Rituals + Trump, 2020 Election, In Numerology 2020 Reduces to 4, The Number 4 Represents a Door (For Satan)
ROR#199 The Keys of Solomon, Dark Magick + The Jesus Strand, The History of Mary Magdalene, She Called Jesus "My Teacher" When She Found Him Alive + Bible Stories and Codes
“Rose 🌹~You’re Stronger than You Know” Divine Feminine ~ Lisa Bhakti Overcash & Nataliia, Teacher/Partner. Fred Astaire Dance Fall Show 2024, Durham, NC