327: Defend Your Voice Summit - This Is Our Joshua Moment To Save America & Ourselves PART 4! Michele Swinick, Lucy DiGrazia, Dr. Betsy Eads & Bishop Leon Benjamin. JOSHUA 1:5-9
Central Bank Digital Currencies | The Monetary Slavery System Explained In 7 Minutes By- Dr. Pippa Malmgren (World Government Summit), Agustin Carstens (General Manager of the BIS), Bo Li (Deputy Managing Director of the IMF), Eswar Prasad (WEF)
BRICS | BRICS Summit Adds Six Resource Rich Countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina & UAE) Who 44% of the Earth's Global Oil Production | "The World They Are Going Into Is a Non-Christian World." - Kiyosaki
Klaus Schwab | “My Book (The Fourth Industrial Revolution) Was Considered SCIENCE FICTION, All of Those Technologies Have Become Reality." - Klaus Schwab (Author of The Great Reset Speaking At World Government Summit 2023)