CBDCs | Elon Musk 101, FTX, FX Swap Debt a $80 Trillion 'Blind Spot' Global Regulators Say,"FTX Was an OP That Got Brought Down In an OP...Vaccine Passports Are the End of Freedom In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts
GOLD | DeDollarization | Gold Just Hit Another All-Time High!!! Now, Will the U.S. Dollar Die? "U.S. Debt Rising By $1 Trillion Every 3 Months & U.S. Interest Expense Is Rising By $100 Billion Every 4 MOnths" - Zero Hedge 3/28/24
CBDCs | "Understand It Took Almost 200 Years (1974) to Accumulate Our First $450 Billion of Debt, We've Done It In 18 Days. We Are Heading Off a Cliff & We Have Our Peddle to the Floor. (We're Adding $8 Million of Debt Per Minute)."
CBDC | "Understand It Took Almost 200 Years (1974) to Accumulate Our First $450 Billion of Debt, We've Done It In 18 Days. We're Adding $8 Million of Debt Per Minute." + Who Lael Brainard? What Is Fed Now? What Is Non-Binary Money?