Larry Ellison | "I Had Dinner With Elon Last Night. We Are Training Grok And Grok 2 And t's Doing Well." - September 12th 2024 + "Memphis, the Capital of Ancient Egypt. Perhaps That Is Where Our New God Will Come From." - Musk
Malik Obama | Meet the Man Who Was the Best Man In Barack Obama's Wedding & Meet the Man Who Had Barack Obama Serve As the Best Man In His Wedding | Did Barack Obama Write His Girlfriend That He Imagined Intimate Relations With Men?
Elon Musk | "I Have This Long-Term Vision for Something Called Sort of Like An Everything App. It Does Payments..." + "The Banks Culture Books Are the Best Envisioning of An AI Future. I'm a Big Fan of Banks." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Very Acronym AI Stood for Artificial Intelligence. But, I Think It's Better to Think About It Like Alien Intelligence. It Makes Decisions That Are Fundamentally Alien to the Human Mind." - 11/16/2024
Elon Musk | "The Long-Term Goal of Neuralink Is to Achieve Human A.I. Symbiosis. Neuralink Aspires to Enhance Human Intelligence So We Can Achieve Better A.I. Human Symbiosis." - June 19th 2024
Elon Musk | "The Merged Scenario With AI Is the One That Seems the Best. If You Can't Beat It, Join It. Best Case Scenario, We Effectively Merge With AI. It Will Enable Anyone Who Wants to Have Super Human Cognition." - 9/7/2018
Maui Fires | "Maui's Department of Land & Natural Resources Delayed the Release of Water for Hours." + "We Will Build It Back Better." - Hawaiin Governor Josh Green | 6uild 6ack 6etter?
End Times Or Best of Times? Persian Mystery: Israel, Iran, & the End Times! Is Biblical Prophecy of Gog & Magog Being Fulfilled?! (Ezekiel 38) + Revelation 16-12-14 Euphrates Dies Up, China & Russia Team Up, False Prophet Shows Up
Trump Vs. Big Pharma? | Kennedy & Trump Teaming Up? Alex Jones Reporting “Sources Inside RFK Jr. Campaign Confirm He Will Drop Out Friday & Endorse Trump” - 8/21/24 + “Trump Is the Best Possible Answer.”
Wayne Allyn Root | President Donald J. Trump’s Long-Time Friend, Best-Selling Author, Chart-Topping Podcaster & Entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root Shares Why America Needs Donald J. Trump to Become the 47th President