2 years agoTruth by Billie Beene 82922 E379 M Jaco Nukes NY+LA! BPEarthwatch+ 1920's Depression! EBS?BBeene
1 year ago012323 Weather Plus by Billie E34 CA-Atmos/ Rivers! Planet X! CERN and Earth Shields! March!BBeene
1 year ago4323 Expect Tornado! Pres T-Arrest! McD's-Lay-off's! "Planet X"! UFO's! US News-Billie E4BBeene
1 year agoUS Mil- + S China Sea! Control US Embassy-London! US COG! Russia Defcon 2! 30523 Spec Rpt E523BBeene
1 year ago41723 TX Moves to Gold Back'd $! Hypercanes! Israel Plane-No Comm's- Germany! US News-Billie E8BBeene
1 year ago4123 Russia Bomb NATO Ctr-100's Dead! 50K Korea! 500K China PMC! Spain-Easter! World News-Billie E1BBeene
1 year agoTX -G Mex-Blk Clouds +F-16's! US Bio OH-TX-CA-AZ-OR-SC! Moldova-Nukes! 22423 T- BB Spec Rpt E519BBeene