Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Talking About Millions & Billions of AI Agents. If You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. It's Increasingly An AI Deciding Whether to Give You a Loan...A Financial System Run By AIs." - 12/6/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI, It Is Not a Tool. It Is An Agent. We Are Talking About Millions & Billions of AI Agents. If You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. It's Increasingly An AI Deciding Whether to Give You a Loan." - 12/6/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Different from Every Previous Technology Because It Is Not a Tool It Is An Agent. It Can Make Independent Decisions. AI Is Able to Decide to Things By Itself." - December 11th 2024
Fourth Industrial Revolution | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution, I Continue to Think That Tesla Is Front & Center." - Dan Ives (CNN) 10/12/2024 + "Fourth Industrial Revolution It Changes You." - Klaus Schwab
Elon Musk | "Optimus can now walk on highly variable ground using neural nets to control its electric limbs." - Elon Musk (December 10th 2024) + What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? What Is the Iain Banks Culture Series?
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "You Got Introduced (On The View) As Our Friend Donald Trump. They Were All Talking About How You Might Be Conservative In Your Financial Positions, But Very Liberal Socially."
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Moment That AI Hacked Language It Hacked Human Civilization. One Very Long Chapter In History Is Over & Completely New Historical Process Is Beginning." - 10/30/2024
Elon Musk | "Robotic Taxis Makes Tesla About a $5 Trillion Company. The Optimus Robot Makes Tesla a $25 Trillion Company. It Does Become Kind of Post Capitalist. It Will Be A Case of Universal High Income." - 10/29/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Easy to Follow Everyone All of the Time. We Have the Smartphones, the Cameras, the Drones, the Microphones Everywhere. It Is Becoming Technically Possible to Follow Everyone All the Time." - 12/8/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Now There Is Something On Earth That Can Write Texts, That Can Generate Music, Can Even Invent New Religious Mythologies." - 12/6/2024 + "AI Can Event Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023
Palantir | Why Did Peter Thiel's Palantir Decide to Air Commercial During the December 14th 2024 Army Versus Navy Game Showing Drones Being Released from a Ship? Who Is Peter Thiel? "Battles are won before they begin."
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. Now Increasingly In Many Banks, It Is An AI Deciding Whether to Give You the Loan or Not." - Yuval Noah Harari (12/6/2024)
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are In the Midst of the Biggest Change Ever In Human History, the AI Revolution. It's the First Technology That Is Not a Tool. It Is An Agent. An AI Weapon Can Decide Who to Kill." - Yuval Noah Harari (12/6/2024)
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/13/2018) + "Memphis, Perhaps That Is Where Our New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk (7/22/2024) To Get the Full Context o
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is the Most Powerful Technology Ever Created. It's Not A Tool. It's An Agent. You Have Billions of New Agents That Can Be Used to Create the Worst Secret Police In the World." - 10/28/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Very Clear President Trump Is Undermining the Global Order. He Is In Favor of Chaos. He Is In Favor of Destroying the Liberal Global Order That We Had for the Previous Couple of Decades." - 10/18/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Open AI Developed GP4 They Wanted to Test the Ability of This New AI So They Gave It the Task of Solving Captcha Puzzles. Nobody Told GPT to Lie. The AI Decided to AI In Order to Achieve Its Goal." - 12/6/2024