Once human, now reptilian Katy brags she sold her soul to satan. YAH SAYS "Can you not understand when Katy Perry says that the leanest meat...is cannibalism! Vampirism!" (mirrored)
Jeremiah 17:1, Matthew 18:18 -- Official Record Against All You Hypocrites and Backsliders in Heart -- Giving you Wicked Subscribers 24 Hours & All You I Call Out By Name 24 Hours Before Yah Makes You Reprobate & You Have No Chance At Salvation
Prophecy 49 Excerpts - YAH Teaches us clearly about the Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation periods. And "Has not enough hatred and hard feelings from MY own children been caused by this debate.."
Prophetic Pictures At Western Maine 1920's Farm . . . Can You Discern What Yah Is Prophetically Communicating In This Video??? (Horse Scratches His Back, Chickens Cluck, Cute Goats Bleat)