Red Heifers | "Why Is Hama Saying 100 Days Into the War It Was the Transfer of These Red Heifers from TX to Israel That Played A Role In Oct 7th? Christians Believe That Is 1st Step Toward Rebuilding the 3rd Temple." - G Beck
University of South Alabama: Several Christians Encourage Me & Take Gospel Tracts To Give to Their Friends, One Hypocrite Demands Me To Stop Preaching The Fear of God, A Good Day of Preaching Jesus!
Florida International University (Miami): Heckler Demands To Know What Makes the Bible Special, I Prove the Bible True, Mocking Jew Eventually Takes Gospel Tract, A Few Sincere Christians Encourage Me, A Great Day of Preaching Jesus to the Masses
Florida Atlantic University: Lots of Curious Students, Muslim Asks Me Why I Reject Islam, I Rebuke A Wicked Student Who Calls Apostle Paul Demonic, A Lively Day of Preaching Jesus!