WW3 EXCLUSIVE: A Cease-Fire Between Ukraine & Russia Is Secretly Being Negotiated Behind The Scenes By President Trump & Elon Musk + Russia Successfully Simulated A Nuclear Attack That Can Evade NATO Defenses With Their ICBM Strike On Ukraine.
FULL SHOW: WW3 Has Begun! A State of War Between Russia and NATO Countries Now Exists After The UK Joined The United States in Massive Bombing Attacks Inside Russia! Learn How We Can Stop WW3 From Going Nuclear! | InfoWars (11/20/24)
PUTIN ABBAIA MA NON MORDE? L'attacco a Sebastopoli RASSEGNA STAMPA ma la Russia aspetta la Cina che invederà l'isola di Taiwan e poi vedrete la fine che faranno gli americani,tedeschi,francesi,inglesi e gli stati della NATO come da programma