To Tucker 1.0, I wish him good luck!!! To Tucker 2.0, I say, “keep speaking TRUTH!!!” I am watching Tucker 2.0 and listening to him with discernment!!!
Spiritual Gates and Beings in the Spirit World + Emerald City (Underground, Located Under the Pentagon) + Alice, CERN, To Open the Spiritual Gates Mechanically
Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, Jay-Z, High Priest and Mason + Umbrella, Masonic Term, Clandestine Group, They Have Immunity, Clean-Up Crew After Operations + One-Eye Symbolism + Dark Magick, Bondage and Leather
Eminem The Monster Music Video Decode, Psychiatric Setting, Metronome, Hypnotism, Words Implanted, Triangle Hand Sign + Behind Bars, Elton John, Drugs, Dark Times
Jessie's Divorce in the Heavenly Courts, Authority Given By Satan and also By Jesus Christ + Jessie Bore the Sins of All the Previous Mothers of Darkness