3 years agoRobert talks more UFO news and cases, theories on aliens - OT Chan Live-449The Out There Channel
8 months agoElmwood police officer George Wheeler got hit by a beam from a UFO in 1976, had multiple sightingsEyesOnCinemaVerified
9 months agoUFO, Aliens, Abduction Budd Hopkins A Disussion With Art BellEscaping Scientism be an arbiter of knowledge, information and truth
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1 year agoUFO Footage - New York City Witness Report Strange UFO UAP over the East CoastAmazing Planet
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2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --045- Can UFOLOGY be saved from YT Frauds and MSM-Gov LiesThe Out There Channel
8 months agoCoast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Romona and Art Triangle UFO Sighting - John LearArtBell51