415 ARIZONA UPDATE: Elections, Selections, Mari-Corruption County, LD3 Circus Elections - Our New Chair Wouldn't "Allow" A Hand Count & Stormed Out Of Room With The Ballots! She Also Didn't Know She Was The Chair Until I Told Her!
#144 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In AZ To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate Our Corruption + Nov 8th! | CHRISTINE REAGAN
Episode 4 The Callisto Protocol | Intense Survival Horror Experience FULL HD 60FPS | 1080porror Experience FULL HD 60FPS | 1080p Protocol Episode 4 | Intense Survival Horror Experience FULL HD 60FPS | 1080P