healthcare worker was mandated to take Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, 3 days later paralyzed from legs down, followed by severe convulsions and seizures, can no longer, clean, cook, drive a car, requires full-time caretaker, "i'm a prisoner in
What a gross piece of propaganda. #FamilyGuy - This Is How They Are Attempting To Normalize The Next Time They Blame The Un-Injected For The Next "Varient"
Incentivized to Kill: Government Bounties on American Lives: "Hospitals get paid an enormous amount if they use remdesivir," informed Dr. Peterson Pierre. "20% surcharge on the entire hospital bill."
This is the water currently in a creek in East Palestine, Ohio. But yeah the Government claims it is “safe.” Maybe Biden and his entire family should be forced to live and stay there for a week if it’s so “safe”
World eminent Cardiologist Prof.Abdullah Alabdulgader calls for suspension of mRNA jab because of cardiac harm concerns - *President of The international congress for advanced cardiac sciences *Founder of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center/Saudi Arabia