2 years ago5.2.22: Borders and BALLOTS!!! The ELECTION season is HEATING UP! BE watchful for ENEMY tricks! PRAYMyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoTown of La Crete, Alberta overrides the health bureaucrats and ends the pandemicMyCatholicRedPill
2 years ago12.10.22: TWITTER release proves ELECTION RIGGED! [DS] PANIC! Climate Lockdowns? Child Exploitation!MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoPLOT TWIST! FBI Agent Investigating Trump?Russia Collusion, Colluded with RussiaMyCatholicRedPill
2 months agoMeeting of the Minds - We need More to get involvesdWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
2 years agoMel K And Jovan Hutton Pulitzer On Election Truths And Consequences 10-25-22MyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoTyrants Openly Show Their Allegiance To The Enemy! They impose Fear! Stay Together! Pray! - And We..MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoMUST WATCH! “THE TRUTH ABOUT JANUARY 6th” Documentary Premieres Today on The Gateway Pundit!MyCatholicRedPill
3 years ago3.2.2022: COLONEL drops TRUTH b@mbs, Biden embarrassment, Pfiz#r exposed! PRAY!MyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoA Liberal Shatters Vaccine Lies and The Government Labels You a Domestic Terrorist!MyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoEp 2712b - The Priority Is To Clean Out Bad Actors, The World Is Helping, We Are Not AloneMyCatholicRedPill