CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
Trump for Speaker of the House? Trump for Speaker of the House with a Mission To: 1. Call Out the Satanic Agenda 2. Defund the Swamp 3. Investigate the DEEP STATE (See Show Description for DETAILS)
General Flynn | The Great Reset Agenda Exposed | “Shockingly, There Are People That Have a Religious Objection to Taking the Mark of the Beast - Thomas Renz” + X22 Host Dave + Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller
CBDCs | "You Can See the Signs of This Everywhere. What Are You Going to Do? Are You Going to Argue with the Machine? You Just Can't Imagine How Screwed You Are." - Jordan Peterson