Where is My Twin Flame? Why Do Twin Souls Exist? — May Be a Little Different Than What We Usually Think. And Maybe it's Now That You're Ready to Hear This.
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒: NO Personal Readings for a While and Here’s Why! Also—Timeline Splits [and Shifts] + Your Intuition at This Time, and Reducing Participation in The Beast System!
Dedicated to the Ex's Returning This Mercury-Retrograde 9/9/22 Thru 10/1/22! ☄️ "You Keep Me Hangin' On" — Kim Wilde [Mercury-Retrograde Reading Linked in Description ⬇️]
A Chat with WEin5D: Why “The Gun Toting Patriot” Won’t Do for 5D Consciousness, Nor the 5D Romance You’re Ready For.. + Why You Have the MOST Freewill in 3D, and More!
Flat Vs. Round Vs. Prison Planet (Which of the 3 Really Matter?), Race/DNA ("I Saw Their 'DNA' and I Wanted to Reveal it's Traits"), Why I Support Racism! (Not Really), and Why I Don't Support #FreePalestine! (Yes Really).
8/8/22 Lion’s Gate Portal —From July 26th, Peaking August 8th, and into August 16th— Collective Reading 🃏🎴🀄️ The Portal of Perception ✨ YOU GOT ALL 4 ACES!!!
Spiritual Sovereign Individuals Are the Real Threat—Not “Conservatives”. These Are the Twelve (12) Main Threats, as Far as U.S. Government is Concerned (Some Were Even Temporarily Banned on Truth Social).
Socialist UK & Europe Want Trump BEHIND BARS ALREADY as They Put Their Own People Behind Bars! | Trump/Musk Interview Watch-Party with Luke Rudkowski & Company