2 years ago♏️ Scorpio - you need to make a decision! #tarot #tarotreading #scorpio #newmoonTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♐️ Sagittarius - conversation about the past! #sagittarius #tarot #tarotreading #novemberTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year ago♌️ Leo - you want someone more compatible! #tarot #tarotreading #leo #september #fullmoonTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year ago♓️ Pisces - preparing yourself for what comes next! #tarot #tarotreading #pisces #octoberTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year ago♋️ Cancer - what will you decide?! #tarot #tarotreading #cancer #eclipse #octoberTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year ago♊️ Gemini - when one door closes another opens! #tarot #tarotreading #gemini #octoberTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year ago♐️ Sagittarius - this is what you want! #tarot #tarotreading #sagittariusTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year ago♏️ Scorpio - new chapter!! #tarot #tarotreading #scorpio #aprilTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year agoAries Tarot Reading - Stop the Inner Conflict and Stand in your POWER! YOU KNOW IT! WTF Sept 23JoAaA
2 years ago♈️ Aries - action is required! #tarot #tarotreading #aries #eclipse #solareclipseTarot & Astrology with Michelle
1 year agoCancer Tarot Reading - Excuse After Excuse, This Person's a Theif! Follow Your Soul... WTF Sept 23JoAaA
2 years ago♏️ Scorpio - you want emotional fulfillment! #tarot #tarotreading #scorpio #eclipse #solareclipseTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♉️ Taurus - what do you want? #tarot #tarotreading #taurus #eclipse #solareclipseTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♒️ Aquarius - there is a resolution! #tarot #tarotreading #aquarius #fullmoonTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♉️ Taurus - breaking the pattern! #tarot #tarotreading #taurus #septemberTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♋️ Cancer - breaking the old pattern! #tarot #tarotreading #cancer #septemberTarot & Astrology with Michelle