9 months agoWalmart Brings Unwanted Population, CA Fast Food Apocalypse, Game Layoffs Continue, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
9 months agoAudiences Move on From Hollywood, Manga Resists, Green Hypocrisy, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
9 months agoHollywood WANTS to Fail, not THAT Pride, be Lazy in the Office, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
9 months agoMen Cancelling Cancel Culture, REAL Journalist Punished, Misfortune 500, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
9 months agoGame Industry Ruled by Fear, Diverse Failure, Fast Food Apocalypse, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoA HUGE Mistake in the Making, Women+ Domination, Hollywood Scared of Big Tech, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoAvoid Women with Baggage, Hollywood Unemployed, Textbook Trad, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoWomen Robbing Cradles, Biggest Divorce "Risk", Kotaku gets a Haircut, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoJealous Catty Wahmenz, Age Gap "Psychology", Boomer Rationalization, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoFar-Left Media Loses the Plot, Another Censorship scheme, College IQ Drops, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoDangers of DEI, Consequence Culture Strikes, Game Industry Upheaval, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
8 months agoBrainwashing Activists, Toy Market Pivot, Consequence Culture Strikes, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
7 months agoHollywood Gets its Marching Orders, Climate Extremists Rekt, Fired over Candy Crush, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
7 months agoWeirdest Custody Battle, Ugly Privilege, Money DOES Buy Happiness, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
7 months agoAnother Custody Win, NYC put in its Place, SDCC Trafficking Arrests, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
7 months agoEconomic Correction, Peak "Women Most Affected", Game Industry Healing, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
6 months agoWoman Tries Managing Money, What is a Woman ANSWERED, Gov Lies, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
6 months agoGigachad Goes Woman+ to Avoid Prison, MIT vs Reality, Welfare Side Effects, + More!Raging Golden Eagle
6 months agoExplaining the Declining Birthrate, Dancing on Graves, Can't Define Gender, + More!Raging Golden Eagle