What Happened After the Fall of Atlantis, Who are the Lemurians in Comparison, Can America Fulfill it’s Destiny as the New Atlantis without Failing/Falling? + The Significance of the Year 2012!
Neo-Con Pretending Not to be a Globalist CAN'T Sway Kari Lake on Gun Control [with His Stupid British Habits]! — Talk About a Great Interviewee (Kari Lake).
Alex Jones’ Message to America for What's Coming! | Alex Calls it a Crossroads.. I Call it a 2-Year Span Timeline Split! My Video Explaining This Next Timeline Split is Linked in the Description ⇩
This is Most of Your Guys' Issue: BALANCING Refraining From Denial and The Peaceful Oneness with God-Source as a Positive Lifestyle! BALANCE, or You'll Experience Yourself AND OTHERS in Victimhood. | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
RFK Jr. at 35% in Rasmussen Poll—The Same Poll That Got it Right for Trump in Both Their 2016 and 2020 General Elections Polls (Possibly More Evidence of 2020’s Steal).
Aliens & UFO's + Angels, Humans, and Demons; Enoch and Tarot! (8/13/23) — More for the Spiritual Than for the Only-Just-Awakening Lower Vibrational [SJW "Truther" (A Lower-Level Phase of the Awakening Process)]. | Michael Mirdad
One-World-Religion NOW Being Prepared! + Quantum Timelines (Personal and/or Individual, Collective, and the Merging of Timelines), Human Origins, and “Armageddon” (The Final Battle). | Gregg Braden
Alien Encounters with the Tall Whites at Nellis Air Force Base [During 1965–1967] | Charles Hall Reveals What the Tall Whites are Like! (2013 Rare Interview)
“An Assessment" Report: NATO's Military Study and Analysis of Alien Presence Implications on Earth! | Bob Dean Interviewed by Regina Meredith (Flashback Interview)