President Trump “Plays with Fire”? Well, He’s Certainly Reached the Point of Angry‼️ Alex Jones’ Weighs in! “Justice be Done Though the Heavens May Fall!” (3/24/23)
General Michael Flynn on The Alex Jones Show (3/11/23) | WE in 5D: Michael Flynn Gives Personal Advice on the Upcoming Banking Crisis. I Don’t Care What He Says—You Listen to Your Intuition Specific to You, First and Foremost!
President Trump’s Promise to Absolutely END the Illuminati—Consider it X10 His 2016 Promise! But Don’t Underestimate the Illuminati’s “Covid X10” 👽 #AllTheWorldIsAstage & #YourVibrationDictatesAllinYourReality
“You Have to be Vulnerable and Genuine Enough to Say ‘I Don’t Want to be in This’, But Strong and Courageous Enough to be in It!” | The TRUE Way to Manifest — Phil Good and Lorie Ladd
‘As I Infiltrate, to State the Least, When the Energy’s Released You can Tell it’s Comin Straight From da East!’ Get Ready for Your Post-Old World/Pre-New Earth Tribes! “We Run Things (It’s Like That)” by Da Bush Babees.
2 Worlds Superimposed Over Each Other 🌎<–>🌎 “Love Profusion” by a Mature-Growing 2004 Madonna with the Love Vibration, Before a Broken Spirit. She Chose Poorly of the 2 Worlds! This Album Was Banned at Radio for Protesting Bush’s War.
Short History on the Modern Banking System (Post ‘Knights Templar’ Banking) and What’s to Come! | P.S. Get Ready for Your Post-Old World/Pre-New Earth Tribes!
Sometimes a Day Comes Along That Hits You—When You Miss Your Star Family. You Probably Would Never Guess My Favorite Michael Jackson Song, “Stranger in Moscow”.