CBDCs | "The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules and Regulations That Will Determine That Expression of Liability and the Ability to Enforce it."
CBDC | “CBDCs Are an Idea Whose Time Has Come. If They Are Done Right. CBDCs Could Form the Backbone of a Highly-Efficient Digital Payment System.” - Hyun Song Shin Economic Adviser and Head of Research Basel, Switzerland June 23, 2021
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "With the Rise of Brain Computer Interfaces and Biometric Censors It Is Very Likely People Be Part of a Network?"
Klaus Schwab | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say, "The Difference of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (The Great Reset) Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing, It Changes You If You Take the Gene Editing?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Humans Are Fallible, Humans Are Corruptible, So We Need to Connect to Something Radically Different That Is Infallible and Incorruptible"
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are In the Process of Developing Divine Abilities and Turning Ourselves Into Gods and I Mean This In the Most Literal Sense Possible, It's Not a Metaphor"