Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About the Politician You Most Hate In the World, and Take a Few Minutes to Think What Would They Do With THE TECHNOLOGY THAT I AM DEVELOPING RIGHT NOW?"
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Catherine Austin Fitts Explains How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work
CBDCs | Gilbert Verdian the CEO of QUANT Shares His Dystopian Vision for the Future | "Where We Are Heading Is Smart Cities and 5G. Imagine You Are Walking Into a Building and Every Censor You Walk Pass Knows That It's You."
Klaus Schwab | "The New Technology Innovation, the Fourth One, Is Changing to a Large Extent Ourselves. If You Look at the Book of Professor Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus You See Brain Advancement. It's Augmenting Ourselves."
General Flynn | CBDCs | Is Medical and Financial Tyranny About to Merge? + "We Are Exploring, Why Don't We Just Mutate the Virus Ourselves? So We Could Preemptively Develop New Vaccines." - Jordan Walker, Pfizer Director of Research
Antichrist Prophet | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Israel Protests (3/4/23)? "We're One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens...Humans Are Now Hackable Animals...Jesus Is Fake News...Science Is Not About Truth."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "From Bail-Outs to Bail-Ins Mandatory Debt Restructuring of Systemic Financial Institutions" - The International Monetary Fund
World Economic Forum 2023 Meeting | "Improving Biology and Redesigning Organisms. Diminished Reality Glasses That Will Allow You to Remove Things from Your View Wether That Be Garage or Other People."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Figures Like Figure, Like Stalin They Also Tried to Re-Engineer Humans. Once You Give These Kinds of Regimes the Ability to Actually Change the Human Body Permanently, Maybe Even Germ Line, Then Their Legacy Can Last Indefinitely
Palantir | Why Were the CIA & the U.S. Government the Original Clients of Peter Theil-Founded Palantir? | World Economic Forum 2023 Meeting "In Lord of the Rings, There Is a Globe That Allows the Forces of Good to See What's Going On."