2 years agoCapricorn WTF Reading Mid Nov- Natural Justice is served! contracts to sign, No BS this is real!JoAaA
2 years agoLeo WTF Reading June -You are your own Obstacle, wanting other people to butt out of your business!JoAaA
2 years agoGemini WTF Reading June- - Step back into life, a choice to make, live your best life!JoAaA
2 years agoLibra WTF Reading June - right use of power, One friend who sees you for you, be yourself Libra!JoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF Reading June 22- You slammed the Door hyper-sensitive alert! Time to let the residue go!JoAaA
2 years agoCapricorn WTF Reading June- Finger in too many pies, you have the crown nothing else to proveJoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius WTF Reading June -Your indecision is stopping you - its time for the new you dont wait!JoAaA
2 years agoCancer WTF Reading Mid Oct - Not missing a chalice you just don't want it! clear the way for the newJoAaA
2 years agoLeo WTF Reading Mid Oct - If you are done, say so, Nothing to salvage, hold on to what it is yoursJoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF Reading late July - Shone light into the chaos -Truth revealed to give you opportunitiesJoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius wtf Reading Dec 22 - Going around in circles, take those masks off ~ be you!JoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius WTF Reading Mid Nov ~ Feeling so alone, you have the Magic, Be honest with yourselfJoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF Reading Mid Nov - Ending a cycle of being lost, going back to what you love to doJoAaA