1. Capricorn WTF Reading Mid Nov- Natural Justice is served! contracts to sign, No BS this is real!

    Capricorn WTF Reading Mid Nov- Natural Justice is served! contracts to sign, No BS this is real!

  2. Aries WTF Reading June- New Beginning you are Resisting needs a Leap of Faith!

    Aries WTF Reading June- New Beginning you are Resisting needs a Leap of Faith!

  3. Leo WTF Reading June -You are your own Obstacle, wanting other people to butt out of your business!

    Leo WTF Reading June -You are your own Obstacle, wanting other people to butt out of your business!

  4. Gemini WTF Reading June- - Step back into life, a choice to make, live your best life!

    Gemini WTF Reading June- - Step back into life, a choice to make, live your best life!

  5. Libra WTF Reading June - right use of power, One friend who sees you for you, be yourself Libra!

    Libra WTF Reading June - right use of power, One friend who sees you for you, be yourself Libra!

  6. Cancer WTF Reading June 22, CUT AND RUN from the Energy Vampire!

    Cancer WTF Reading June 22, CUT AND RUN from the Energy Vampire!

  7. Scorpio WTF Reading June 22- You slammed the Door hyper-sensitive alert! Time to let the residue go!

    Scorpio WTF Reading June 22- You slammed the Door hyper-sensitive alert! Time to let the residue go!

  8. Capricorn WTF Reading June- Finger in too many pies, you have the crown nothing else to prove

    Capricorn WTF Reading June- Finger in too many pies, you have the crown nothing else to prove

  9. Sagittarius WTF Reading June -Your indecision is stopping you - its time for the new you dont wait!

    Sagittarius WTF Reading June -Your indecision is stopping you - its time for the new you dont wait!

  10. Law Of Attraction Reading Air signs - Libra Gemini, Aquarius

    Law Of Attraction Reading Air signs - Libra Gemini, Aquarius

  11. Scorpio WTF Reading Late August - Thrown the chalice down - At last! time to be you!

    Scorpio WTF Reading Late August - Thrown the chalice down - At last! time to be you!

  12. Cancer WTF Reading Late August - Fill the well by finding your MAGIC!

    Cancer WTF Reading Late August - Fill the well by finding your MAGIC!

  13. Law of Attraction Reading Sept/Oct - EART SIGNS, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

    Law of Attraction Reading Sept/Oct - EART SIGNS, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

  14. Cancer WTF Reading Mid Oct - Not missing a chalice you just don't want it! clear the way for the new

    Cancer WTF Reading Mid Oct - Not missing a chalice you just don't want it! clear the way for the new

  15. Leo WTF Reading Mid Oct - If you are done, say so, Nothing to salvage, hold on to what it is yours

    Leo WTF Reading Mid Oct - If you are done, say so, Nothing to salvage, hold on to what it is yours

  16. Gemini WTF Reading Late July - Gemini RUN! They are not your burdens!

    Gemini WTF Reading Late July - Gemini RUN! They are not your burdens!

  17. Libra WTF Reading Late July -LIBRA Opportunity for you to have the celebrations!

    Libra WTF Reading Late July -LIBRA Opportunity for you to have the celebrations!

  18. Sagittarius WTF Reading late July - Higglety Pigglety - your in a mucking fuddle!

    Sagittarius WTF Reading late July - Higglety Pigglety - your in a mucking fuddle!

  19. LEO WTF Reading Late July... the number 4 is important! Don't upset a Libra!

    LEO WTF Reading Late July... the number 4 is important! Don't upset a Libra!

  20. Scorpio WTF Reading late July - Shone light into the chaos -Truth revealed to give you opportunities

    Scorpio WTF Reading late July - Shone light into the chaos -Truth revealed to give you opportunities

  21. Sagittarius wtf Reading Dec 22 - Going around in circles, take those masks off ~ be you!

    Sagittarius wtf Reading Dec 22 - Going around in circles, take those masks off ~ be you!

  22. Sagittarius WTF Reading Mid Nov ~ Feeling so alone, you have the Magic, Be honest with yourself

    Sagittarius WTF Reading Mid Nov ~ Feeling so alone, you have the Magic, Be honest with yourself

  23. Scorpio WTF Reading Mid Nov - Ending a cycle of being lost, going back to what you love to do

    Scorpio WTF Reading Mid Nov - Ending a cycle of being lost, going back to what you love to do
