Kim Kardashian | Why Did Kim Kardashian Post This On November 18th 2024? "meet my new friend." + "Memphis, Capital of Ancient Egypt. Perhaps That Is Where Our New GOD Comes From." - Elon Musk (7/22/24) Who Is Iain Banks?
CBDCs | "I Think You Scare the Public If You Put This Out. Should I Be Concerned About My Bank." - The FDIC’s Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee (SRAC) - November 2022
Dollar Collapse | The Complete Deep Dive | "Hundreds of US Banks At Risk of Failure. 282 US Banks At Risk." - CNBC (5/1/24) "There Will Be Bank Failures." - Chair of Federal Reserve + "98% of Central Banks to Launch CBDCs." -
THE ACT OF 1871 - The Year Everything Changed.. American History you were never taught. How the British BANKING CARTEL hijacked the America during the Civil War
CBDC | "CBDC, What Is It Actually Going to Look Like. I Had One European Central Banker Tell Me. It Will Be IMPLANTED UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner + "Gosh, This Looks Like the Mark of the Beast." - Glenn Beck