While You Live In Belief Systems Based On What You Where Told The Government Keeps Going To Work On R&D, Building Industry With Standardization/Policies Marketshare And Deployments! IT'S JUST BIOCONVERGENCE 6G BUSINESS!
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Work Mainly In the Field of Dessiminating Ideas. It's Spreading Ideas In the World. Alot of Things Begin with a Seed. The Seed Is An Idea. You Plant the Seeds In Alot of Minds. In a Few Minds the Seed Will Sprout." -
Clay Clark Employees | Clay Clark Employee Shares His Experience, "I'm from San Diego, I've Worked w/ Clay Clark for 2 Years. Imagine You Have a Fun Internship, But You Are Getting Paid to Learn. Everyone Here Is Super Kind."
A firey exchange breaks out after Pierre Poilievre says that just because Trudeau wore blackface doesn't mean all Liberals are racist doesn't mean all Liberals are racistust because Trudeau wore blackface