Great Reset | URGENT UPDATE: America's Sovereignty Is At Stake NOW Featuring: Jimmy Evans, Michelle Bachmann, Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates, Helen Clark & Tedros
Bill Gates said Covid comes from bats 🦇 and it spreads because of climate change. He also warned that @ elonmusk is making misinformation on Twitter worse 🤡
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg & Schwab Celebrate Yuval Noah Harari? Why Does the WEF, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, New York Times, TED, Natalie Portman, James Corden and the Mainstream Media All Love Yuval Noah Harari and His Vision?
TRYING TO COVER THEIR ASSES WITH HALF TRUTHS! - CBS News Explains How Solar Engineering Experiments Are Being Conducted by Bill Gates & the U.S. Government to 'Dim the Sun'