mRNA | "It Is Likely That Many of the Deaths That Occur As a Result of These Shots, It's the Result of the mRNA Platform Itself." - Bret Weinstein (Podcaster, Author, & Former Professor of Biology) + Yuval Noah Harari & Elon Musk
Samurai Pizza Cats: Blast from the Past (Nintendo Switch and PS4) Sneak Preview Trailer [ Yes sir boys and Girls,Polly Esther from a Classic Old School Cartoon/Anime Gem is BACK for a New Action/RPG Game!!]
UK Gov’t Hired ‘Mercenary Nurses’ To ‘Involuntarily Euthanize’ MILLIONS of COVID Patients/WEF Calls for Imprisonment of Social Media Owners Who Allow ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content on Their Platforms/Russia’s Foreign Minister Confirms Putin Was