General Flynn & Peter Navarro | The Unprecedented Persecution Patriots Increases: Jury Finds Trump Must Pay $83.3 M to Carroll + Navarro Sentenced to 4 months In Prison + UAE & China Conduct 1st Trade Using mBridge CBDC Platform
CBDCs | Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Explained In 13 Minutes & 56 Seconds | "It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner + CBDCs Featuring: Carlson, Beck, C. Fitts, Kiyosaki, Agustín Carstens, Werner &a
ReAwaken America Tour | Join General Flynn, Jim Breuer, Pastor Benjamin, Kash Patel, Eric Trump, Lara Trump, Kash Patel, Dr. Stella, Amanda Grace, Julie Green, Peter Navarro & Team America At the Detroit, MI June 7-8 2024 ReAwaken America Tour!!!
Yuval Noah Harari | SHOCKER!!! BREAKING NEWS!!! THIS JUST IN!!! "I Met My Husband Online More Than 20 Years In One of the First Dating Sites for Gay People In Israel." - Yuval Noah Harari
One World Religion | Do You Remember When This Happened On September 14th & 15th 2022? The 7th Congress of the Leaders of World & Traditional Religions (2022)
666 | Why Is the Logo of CERN, the World Economic Forum & Google 666? Why Is the Word Corona = 666? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up? What Is HR 666 & HR 6666? Why Does Microsoft Patent WO-2020-06060 Exist?
Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Discuss: "Trump Is Destroying the Alliance System Around the World," "Humans Are Hackable Animals," "Useless Humans," etc.
CBDCs | How Will America React to the Implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Currently Being "Tested" by Banking Giants and the New York Fed?
ReAwaken America Tour | Final 3 Locations Announced!!! Why Is the Military Developing LOCUST Swarm Drones? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Saying That "A New Stalin Has the Ability to Re-Engineer the Human Body?"