Artificial Intelligence | "The New Technological Innovations Is Changing To a Large Extent Ourselves. It's WHO Is That Effected. If You Look At the Book of Professor Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus, You See Brain Advancement." - Klaus Schwab
Klaus Schwab | "Premier Li Took His Office This March At a Critical Moment When China Adopted New COVID Control Measures & Started to Boost Economic Development, Social Dynamism & International Cooperation." - Klaus Schwab (6/26/23)
Yuval Noah Harari | "The New Powers That We Are Gaining Now, Especially the Powers of Bio-Technology And Artificial Intelligence Are Really Going to Transform Us Into Gods. What Kind of Gods Will We Be? Will We Be Petty, Vengeful"
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Perhaps the Most Concerning Part of This to Me, Since 2015 It's Been the Elites Plan to Have the CBDC Integrated Into Humanity Via a Microchip Implanted Under Each Person's Skin." - One America News (