Yuval Noah Harari | "All This Story About Jesus Rising from the Dead & Being the Son of God, This is Fake News. We Don't Need to Wait for Jesus Christ to Come Back to Earth to Overcome Death. God Is Dead It Just Takes Awhile to Get Rid of th
Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Have An Opportunity to Push the RESET Button And Think About the World We Want And I Think Universal Basic Income Is a Big Part of That." - Sam Altman (Elon Musk founded OpenAI in 2015 with Sam Altman)
Biden's Press Sec cooks a giant word salad about Biden's "comprehensive physical" & "I'm sharpest before 8:00 p.m." statement: "You know, he likes to joke a lot. I think people laugh when he says it."
GLOBAL Universities Currently Working On And Teaching Their PHD Students About IoBnT/nanonetworks/MC Communication Biodigital Convergence For Industry 4.0.-6G "And Beyond" In The Fourth Industrial Revolution &5IR
CBS says that hotdogs contain 2% human meat..that’s basically two out of everyone hundred hotdogs are 100% human meat… if you think about it like that… Finally it’s coming out