3 years agoJoJo's Bizarre Adventure (MasterChief982 Vs. Josuemaneiros) [U.S.A. Vs. Brazil]Marcelo Hard
3 years agoThe King of Fighters '98 (BillieEilishLY Vs. [TOPMAXIM]) [South Korea Vs. South Korea]Marcelo Hard
2 years agoThe King of Fighters '98 (bcddz0382 Vs. mannergameplzT.T) [South Korea Vs. South Korea]Marcelo Hard
3 years agoStreet Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (eggsnbaconnn (Sagat) Vs. scanorr) [U.S.A. Vs. Peru]Marcelo Hard
3 years agoThe King of Fighters 2002 (BlackBall Vs. andyandy1030) [Malaysia Vs. Hong Kong]Marcelo Hard
3 years agoStreet Fighter II': Champion Edition (MONSTERZERO Vs. Annapurna) [South Korea Vs. South Korea]Marcelo Hard
2 years agoArt of Fighting 2 ([KOFB] JirayaSafadao Vs. thunder_kusanagi) [Brazil Vs. Brazil]Marcelo Hard
2 years agoStreet Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Torisu Vs. StealthRUSH) [U.S.A. Vs. U.S.A.]Marcelo Hard
2 years agoFist Of The North Star - Hokuto no Ken (hokutozyc Vs. alekxkdash) [Japan Vs. U.S.A.]Marcelo Hard