A Storm Like You've Never Seen Coming in the Next Weeks and Months! Take Your "I Love Trump Glasses" or Your "I Hate Trump Glasses" Off and Be Objective in Order to Handle REALITY Properly. —Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
1992 Under My Spell Tour – Paula Abdul | Show Begins at 11:00 | Rarely Known Fun Fact: 2 Songs in This Show are Written by Prince; The Opening Number "Spellbound", and "U" Performed Mid-Show.
Frank Grillo on Ayahuasca (Weak Discussion in Comparison to the Real Teachers—Consider it a Newbie Discussion) + RFK Jr. & Cheryl Hines on Comedy and 2024 Presidential Election (Starts at 1:30:00) | The Adam Carolla Show
‘F✰ck Around and FIND OUT’. Correction, Luke Rudkowski, This was Stockton, CA—Not NY. BUT IT’S A GREAT VIDEO! | We’re Not Celebrating Physical Violence, BUT WE DON’T LET PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER US [PERIOD]—GLOBALISTS, YOU’RE NEXT!
Elon Musk "Clone" (Not Really, BUT MAYBE, or it's Just Musk Incognito Calling Himself "Adrian Dittmann"?) Tells Alex Jones, "It's Easier to Destroy Than Create!" and it's Why the Illuminati Do What They Do.
Will We Be Given Freedom or Will We Have to TAKE IT? Or Will Too Many Discover They Don’t ACTUALLY Want it?: Former FBI / Military, David Baumblatt EXPOSING the Corporation [and it's ROUGH FALL!] | The Awake Nation (3/27/24)
The Speech That Inspired RFK Jr.’s 6/20/23 “Peace and Diplomacy” Speech—President JFK’s 1963 Peace Speech! + Dr. Christiane Northrup Shows Her Support in the Name of Unity.