2 years agoLeo Mid-June WTF Reading - The cards snitched on you Two Kings! decisions decisions...JoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius Mid-June WTF Reading - Others have the same idea, share it and see it come to life!JoAaA
2 years agoScorpio Mid-June WTF Reading - That F#£king disaster just won't go away... cast it out!JoAaA
2 years agoCancer Mid June WTF Reading From going back to basic to the Master craftsman its all happening!JoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF! Natural Justice leads you to push through resistance - New beginning is nowJoAaA
2 years agoLeo WTF Reading - Learning to teach others Meditation, there,s money to be made! Invest in YOU!JoAaA
2 years agoCancer WTF Reading May- Compassion is ok but what about you? They will keep draining you...JoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF Reading May -Learning to sit back - Enjoy the journey - New beginnings are yoursJoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius WTF Reading late Sept - Major celebrations, stop going round in circles, PARTY!JoAaA
2 years agoAries WTF Reading Late Sept - Turns out you want to sort this out whatever the outcome!! Clarified..JoAaA
2 years agoScorpio WTF Reading Late Sept-About F#%king time Scorpio! Keeping precious energy to shed old skinJoAaA
2 years agoLibra WTF Reading Late Nov -Someone needs to go! Surrender, the riches of the world are yours!JoAaA
2 years agoSagittarius WTF Reading Late Nov - Your Gift is still there, put yourself back togetherJoAaA