4 years ago[TRUMPET JAZZ METHOD] 250 jazz patterns - Major Patterns 02The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoWurm 45 Easy Etudes for Trumpet - 21 [Thema Moderato]The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET WARM-UP] Anthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 Warm-Up Exercises and Etudes 1II(1d)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #13 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #14 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET WARM-UP] Anthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 WarmUp Exercises and Etudes 3II(3g)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺 [TRUMPET JAZZ METHOD] 250 jazz patterns - Preliminary Patterns - Dom 7th 44The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoCONCONE Lyrical Studies for Trumpet or Horn 11 w/Orchestral Play AlongThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET WARM-UP] Anthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 WarmUp Exercises and Etudes 2II(2e)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] Small 27 Melodical and Rhythmical exerc. forTrumpet- #03 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
5 years agoArban's Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet -Studies on Slurring or Legato playing - 12The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years agoKopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 31 Allegro ModeratoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺 Arban's Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet - 68 DUETS - 24 Silent SorrowThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] Wurm 45 Easy Etudes for Trumpet - 30 AdagioThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years agoTrumpet Jazz Solo Fluency by Phiip Tauber - The Minor 7b5 Locrian ScaleThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago[TRUMPET WARM-UPS] 100 Original Daily Warm Ups for Trumpet or Cornet by (Charles Colin) 44The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoPrelude by Henry Johnson for Bb Cornet and Piano [TRUMPET AND PIANO w/SCORES] - Using play-alongThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺 [Trumpet Lyrical Studies] CONCONE Fifty Lessons for the Med. Voice - Bb/C Trumpet 07 - ModeratoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺 [Trumpet Lyrical Studies] CONCONE Fifty Lessons for the Medium Voice - Bb/C Trumpet 02-ModeratoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels