1. Vatican Scientist Builds Camera That Sees Into the Past & Future, Chronovision, Before Looking Glass

    Vatican Scientist Builds Camera That Sees Into the Past & Future, Chronovision, Before Looking Glass

  2. The Secret of Light, Root of Consciousness & Proof We've Entered Age of Aquarius, Jimmy Jones

    The Secret of Light, Root of Consciousness & Proof We've Entered Age of Aquarius, Jimmy Jones

  3. Here's Planet 9 Spotted by Astronomer Using IRAD, Infrared Satellite Data, Ken Swartz

    Here's Planet 9 Spotted by Astronomer Using IRAD, Infrared Satellite Data, Ken Swartz

  4. Global Crisis Time For Truth & Change, 8 Foundations of Creative Society, PT1

    Global Crisis Time For Truth & Change, 8 Foundations of Creative Society, PT1

  5. Life on Enceladus, Scientists Discovers Methane in Atmosphere of Saturns Water World, Ken Swartz

    Life on Enceladus, Scientists Discovers Methane in Atmosphere of Saturns Water World, Ken Swartz

  6. Evidence Earth Entering 12,000 Cataclysmic Climate Cycle, Creative Society, PT2

    Evidence Earth Entering 12,000 Cataclysmic Climate Cycle, Creative Society, PT2

  7. Aliens or Demons? Who or What Controls the World? Behind the Scenes with Penelope Jean Hayes

    Aliens or Demons? Who or What Controls the World? Behind the Scenes with Penelope Jean Hayes

  8. UFO Explosion, When Rockefeller Funded Research that Leveled 20 miles of Trees, Christopher O'Brien

    UFO Explosion, When Rockefeller Funded Research that Leveled 20 miles of Trees, Christopher O'Brien

  9. ET or Sinister Ranchers? Snippy Mutilated Horse, On Scene, Mysterious Valley, Christopher O'Brien

    ET or Sinister Ranchers? Snippy Mutilated Horse, On Scene, Mysterious Valley, Christopher O'Brien

  10. John Hogue, We Are Watching Revelation Unfold Before Our Very Eyes Right Now, PT 1

    John Hogue, We Are Watching Revelation Unfold Before Our Very Eyes Right Now, PT 1

  11. When the MIB took over a small town in Colorado, UFO's, Checkpoints, Christopher O'Brien

    When the MIB took over a small town in Colorado, UFO's, Checkpoints, Christopher O'Brien

  12. Earth is a Planetary Farm for ET's, Next Hybrid Program is Underway, Marcus, Lowth

    Earth is a Planetary Farm for ET's, Next Hybrid Program is Underway, Marcus, Lowth

  13. American Sniper, Who was Chris Kyle & What Really Happened? Scott McEwen

    American Sniper, Who was Chris Kyle & What Really Happened? Scott McEwen

  14. Tuning Your Meat Modem Frequency to Find God, Ascension of Gerald Clark, with Christa Clark

    Tuning Your Meat Modem Frequency to Find God, Ascension of Gerald Clark, with Christa Clark

  15. 2020 is the Reset Year of the Great Zodiac & 26,000 Year Cycle, The New World Has Literally Begun

    2020 is the Reset Year of the Great Zodiac & 26,000 Year Cycle, The New World Has Literally Begun

  16. Starforts, Secrets of The Knights Templars & Kincaid Cave in Grand Canyon, Scott Wolter

    Starforts, Secrets of The Knights Templars & Kincaid Cave in Grand Canyon, Scott Wolter

  17. NASA Scientists in Antarctica Discover Parallel Universe Next to Ours Where Time Runs in Reverse

    NASA Scientists in Antarctica Discover Parallel Universe Next to Ours Where Time Runs in Reverse

  18. NASA Scientists in Antarctica Discover Parallel Universe Next to Ours Where Time Runs in Reverse

    NASA Scientists in Antarctica Discover Parallel Universe Next to Ours Where Time Runs in Reverse

  19. Journey to Aquarius Promo, All Day, Special Event, Exclusive, Several Guests Join the Conversation

    Journey to Aquarius Promo, All Day, Special Event, Exclusive, Several Guests Join the Conversation
