THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL SERIES: “Scream” by Michael and Janet Jackson (a Revolutionary Video Directed by Mark Romanek) + Madonna and Janet Jackson’s Tribute to Michael at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
ASCENSION | Your BEST Understanding of The Matrix—and it’s Relation to the Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, and Unhealthy Patterns Caused by the Lack of Balance!
#16 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - The CIA, China & Sinaloa Cartel In Partnership For Years Committing Election Fraud, Theft & Many More Crimes! Brannon Howse, Pete Santilli, Alex Newman, Col. John Mills. THIS IS HOW YOUR COUNTRY OPERATES!
The Degenerate Android-Madonna of Today, Tranny/Mass Shootings Rant—Why People Like Me Don’t Care + Moral & Immoral Behavior, The IMPORTANCE of Genuine Sexuality, Copy Vs. Inspired, Bending Time, Other Esoteric and Random Chat, and Some Laughs!
#32 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Boots On The Ground Update #3 + Legislators Have Done NOTHING For 2 Years To Fix Our Elections & Mark Finchem Has A Melt Down - Grift Much?
Gregg Braden Revisits a Rare Dolores Cannon Interview on His Own YouTube Channel—Regina Meredith Interviews Dolores (Circa 2007), and Then a Brief Current-Day Chat with her Daughter, Julia Cannon!
Alien Encounters with the Tall Whites at Nellis Air Force Base [During 1965–1967] | Charles Hall Reveals What the Tall Whites are Like! (2013 Rare Interview)
LOL: CNN's Internal Revolt Over the Trump Town Hall (a Product of CNN's New Ownership—Rumors and Opinions Reveal Implications That the Owner is a Friend of President Trump's). #RumorUntilConfirmed #ThatsHowiRoll #AbsoluteMeltdown
Jim Self on Forgiveness & Reconciliation, Your Inner -or- Internal Guidance System, and Free Will Vs. Predetermined Path—Which You Picked via Free Will; AKA “Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?” and “Why has God no Beginning and no End?