3 years ago1 Corinthians 15:20 Christ is Risen: Giving Taught RightPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoJohn 11:23-26 & 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 He Is Risen: Why I Am a ChristianPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoGalatians 6:6 Giving: Your Response Mechanism to the WordPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoGalatians 5:16-6:10 Koinonia Giving: Spirit Versus FleshPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoGalatians 6:15; Acts 11, 15 The Old Way vs. The New ManPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoNehemiah 9:22, Psalm 136 God Will Fight for You - Nehemiah #21Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoHebrews 5:8, Isaiah 53 The Sufferings of Christ and the Glories that Follow - Hebrews #43Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoGalatians 5:16-6:10 Koinonia Giving: Spirit Versus FleshPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoMatthew 22:1-14 How the “Out-Called-Ones” Make It In - Heaven and Hell #14Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoDistinguishing Giving: The Possibility Versus the ImperativePastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
1 year agoGenesis 10 Perpetual Enmity from Generation to Generation - Eschatology #43Eschatology - The Study of End TimesVerified
3 years agoJeremiah 8:22 The Word of God: The Balm of Healing - Jeremiah #8Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
3 years agoGalatians 6:6-9, Matthew 13 Well Doing Is the Toil of SowingPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified