Amightywind Prophecy 59 - I AM NOT COMING FOR A DISOBEDIENT BRIDE! "I am the Alpha & Omega. It is MY RUACH ha KODESH anointing on this ministry. This is MY Ministry, I guard and I protect."
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael! THE POWER! THE POWER! THE POWER! Is In YAHUVEH's Name! Ark, Rod "all of your atomic weapons, they cannot begin to compare with the Rod that I have placed inside that Box."
Amightywind Prophecy 143 Excerpts YAH Warns Don't give your Biometrics-Fake videos will punish/China will Close Taiwan-War/Over Half World not Human DNA-Synthetic Blood/No good aliens-fallen angels/Radiation!
Amightywind Prophecy 55 - WARN THE PEOPLE! DEVASTATION IS COMING!!! (Added features, potent) "That's why I'm telling MY Daughter now; speak it forth in a spoken word."
Amightywind Prophecy 3 - Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches! "The plants are what the satanists call them. An occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches.."
Prophecy 150 Excerpts! Reptilian Katy Perry Teaches satanic Cannibalism. YAH GRIEVES "I Did Not Make Flesh To Eat" Harry Potter teaches kids sorcery/witches cursing Trump (mirrored)