1. "Our goal is to defend the integrity of the #election.

    "Our goal is to defend the integrity of the #election.

  2. I won the largest share of non-white voters for a #Republican since 1960

    I won the largest share of non-white voters for a #Republican since 1960

  3. Our major donors were police officers, farmers and everyday citizens,

    Our major donors were police officers, farmers and everyday citizens,

  4. The stark difference between #Trump's and Biden's r

    The stark difference between #Trump's and Biden's r

  5. Post Election Analysis. The 2020 US Election is in Tatters.

    Post Election Analysis. The 2020 US Election is in Tatters.

  6. Election 2020 - Mr. President | Con?used Podcast Ep. 5

    Election 2020 - Mr. President | Con?used Podcast Ep. 5

  7. Bill Maher gets Zinged by @JennaEllisEsq on ‘Beijing Biden’

    Bill Maher gets Zinged by @JennaEllisEsq on ‘Beijing Biden’

  8. Why Does The Media (And The Left) Hate President Trump?

    Why Does The Media (And The Left) Hate President Trump?

  9. Silly CDC Guidelines, McConnell Opposes Withdraw, PA Going To Court: Breaking On The Daily #22

    Silly CDC Guidelines, McConnell Opposes Withdraw, PA Going To Court: Breaking On The Daily #22

  10. Cuomo Gets A RAISE, Pelosi Retains Power, Ds DOX Election Commissioners: Breaking On The Daily #23

    Cuomo Gets A RAISE, Pelosi Retains Power, Ds DOX Election Commissioners: Breaking On The Daily #23

  11. The US 2020 Election is no longer about R v D. It is Patriots vs Communists.

    The US 2020 Election is no longer about R v D. It is Patriots vs Communists.

  12. BOOM: There is Now Evidence of Enough Vote Fraud to Flip States

    BOOM: There is Now Evidence of Enough Vote Fraud to Flip States

  13. From Russia To Texas' Border Wall To The Case For Paper Ballots: Advantage Conservatives

    From Russia To Texas' Border Wall To The Case For Paper Ballots: Advantage Conservatives

  14. 🔴👀🔴 YouTube Now Labelling News Channels More Trustworthy Than Others

    🔴👀🔴 YouTube Now Labelling News Channels More Trustworthy Than Others

  15. 🔴👀🔴 CNN Spreads Misinformation to Smear Trump Supporters

    🔴👀🔴 CNN Spreads Misinformation to Smear Trump Supporters

  16. The Fake Woke Podcast: Election Day Is Tomorrow.

    The Fake Woke Podcast: Election Day Is Tomorrow.

  17. Be A Hero Not A Zero ! Article 2 Of The Constitution!

    Be A Hero Not A Zero ! Article 2 Of The Constitution!

  18. Right Now It’s About Freedom We Must Stop the Steal

    Right Now It’s About Freedom We Must Stop the Steal
